Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011 by Colleen

    Trading teams today.  Nurse Erin has to leave to go back to work at SHMC in Spokane.  She is now on speed dial on my phone.  She has fine tuned Sara's meds so she is comfortable and doesn't have to sleep all the time.  We are so close to Thursday it is actually agonizingly slow even thought the days fly by.
    Her Dad and Jenn are on their way. It definitely takes three of us to make sure everything is taken care of. 
     If anyone wants to donate unused air miles for caregivers, Erin said that would be a good idea.  Hopefully, her treatment will go smoothly and we can continue that at home.
    { If anyone wants to donate breakfast from the Hoot Owl, I have not had breakfast food for two weeks.  This diet sucks.}
     When the Mass for Sara was in progress, Sara and I sat quietly on her bed and attended in spirit.  I honestly can say, we got it.  It is amazing the way things are falling into our lap as we need them.  Of course, we have a lot of help from 'upstairs'. Thanks Guys! Sara is feeling up, but  nervous about Chemo.  That is a word you do not want in your daily vocabulary. But the Doctor assures us the chemo in this case will be very beneficial.  Love to all.  Gotta go give Erin a huge hug. My family is AWESOME!!!!!!!


  1. You go girl - we know you can do it! Pam Olds

  2. Man, the things it takes to get Sara to go to mass.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I went through 6 months of chemo and honestly it wasn't that bad. They have good drugs for the side effects and I didn't even lose my hair. I was on it 1 week and then off for 3. The only discomfort was the week I was on it I felt like I had lead in me but that was about it. The other 3 weeks I felt fine. Sending prayers your way. Gina
