Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

    Today is the one year to the day when Sara was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer in the ER at Bonner General Hospital.  On this day, one year later, we have plenty to celebrate and be thankful for.
She is back to work full speed ahead.  Has Trevor taking super good care of her. {and lookin' dang good at it} Feels 'absolutely fabulous'. And is looking way forward to a fantastic future.
    Still doing chemo to keep the cancer under control, but otherwise she is free to do what ever she pleases.  We are so happy to have ended up in Seattle with the most wonderful Doctor, Dr. Lin. 
    I am going back through all of the information we collected and I can see where we made some literally life and death decisions. You don't know it at the time, because hind sight is 20/20.  But the people who were running along side us the whole way were helping steer us to this fantabulous day.
February 7, 2012.  Thank-you.

posted by Colleen