Friday, April 1, 2011

April FoolS Day 2011

   Today is no joke for us.  Nurse Erin is arriving to administer Sara's chemo.  Denise will be the Administrative Assistant.  The chemo requires precise measuring. I will not be a part of the process as in 25 years of catering, I did not even own  a set of measuring spoons.
    Sara is nervous and apprehensive and freaked out.  Other than that, she is fine and totally ready to start this treatment.
She will be concentrating on this for 14 days, so send her good wishes on this blog or e-mail, or fb her.
Love to all!! 


  1. Okay. All systems are go it sounds like. I will be quietly thinking about all of you. Love you all, Lois

  2. YAY! I'm so glad you got to finally start the treatment. You are strong and amazing, I am sending you tons of love and strength- TONS!!!

  3. Sara~ I awoke this moring feeling an amazing sense of strength and power for you. You are young, you are strong, you CAN do this! I know we haven't always been close in our adult lives but since we have known eachother since the wee stages of our child lives, I can not express to you how I literally "feel" you. I dream about you often. For real. I know you have a lot of wonderful people looking after you, but I just want you to know that I would so be there for you ALWAYS, in any situation. I love you that much. I look forward to when I can see you and give you a big hug! I love you Sara. I know you know that. And I gurantee if I were in your shoes, you would be having dreams about me!

  4. So glad you are under way Sara. The chemo is always scariest the first time and then since you know what to expect, not so bad at all after that. I put some of my favorite tunes on my ipod and blasted them which took me to a wonderful and happy place and made me feel really good. Let yourself go there too. You can do this Sara, I know you can. Go warrior queen!

  5. I am so antsy right now. It really drives me crazy that I am not over there. Thinking about you every minute, Love Sissy

  6. We all wish this was a big dumb April Fool's Joke..Here is a cute riddle Maya and I like from Dr. Seuss--"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
    Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
    But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
    Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
