Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8, 2011

    Sara is pretty busy today kicking cancers ass.  She is up and about drinking coffee, eating burritos from Jalepeno's {plug} cleaning her house and generally having a normal day. So all the lasers of good vibes obviously are working. Thank-you everyone. I told her to take it easy and not over do it, but we all know how that is gonna fly.
    Erin and Denise are there today and tonite.  Today is Sarah Hess's birthday, devoted Dream Team member, so Happy Birthday to the best friend anyone could ask for.  Love you Sarah!!!
     So day 8 of chemo is a good day. "Come on cancer, you want a piece o' this?"
Wee hah!!


  1. Don't work too hard Sara , my sweet niece. I love you.I love all of you guys and I'm staying tuned.Lois

  2. this devoted dream team member is one happy camper that sara is feeling so much better!!!!!!!xoxox

  3. i cried tears of happiness knowing your feeling somewhat better, that is the news we've all hoped for and asked for! You'd the Bomb Dalebout, knew you could do it along with Captain K at the Mass! Also kudo's to the dream team, you girls are the best! Love U toooo Much, Mama Lou

  4. Sara, I've been following your blog and thinking about you and praying for your quick recovery. Please be strong - I know you will overcome. We miss you terribly!
    Gene, Robbie, Aiden and Dylan - yes, new addition to the family!!
