Sunday, September 23, 2012

Discharging from the Hospital

    Don't have a lot of time, but the morning team said we are working on getting Sd discharged.
After yesterday afternoon, we are not disconnecting this IV of dilaudid untill we are sure  the oral pain releif works. They wanted to re insert the epidural, but Sara said no. That means you just go through the whole thing again. They call it 'breakthrough pain', Sara calls it 'son of a g$%^&m^%$holys^&*'.  It was bad and they did not address the pain very well plus a communication gap of 45 minutes. I finally went to the nurses station and said where is the intraveinious dilaudid?  They go 'oh, is she supposed to have that now?'  Super frustrating. Heads up, schedule surgery on tuesday so there is plenty of time before weekend. Dr. Park came by again and was very agitated about the pain management.  He said she should be up and walking, which was impossible with her pain level. Then he threw her out of bed and out into the hall to start walking.  I ran after them barefoot and a nurse yelled, get your shoes on! You don't want to be barefoot in here! I said I am trying, Dr. Park is yelling at us! Sara was about ready to puke. Anyway, needless to say we walked 35 times last night. Whew.
    But we have it under control, I think, and are getting her in first shower for 4 days.  It is a good thing you guys only have to look at pictures. She ate pretty well this morning and is in good spirits.
I can hardly keep up with Sara even after she has had major surgery.
     Will write later, gotta go. Ride on!



  1. I'm so glad that this all worked out very well and hope for a fast recovery and back home.
