Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

    Long time no see.  Sara is doing very well and so there isn't much to report except that she is soooo kicking some major cancer behind.  She is considering going back to work full time even though I don't think she is quite up to that.  As long as she can get in her power naps, she can pretty much do anything.     
    Dr. Lin is her only Doctor. They had suggested having a doctor closer, but Sara is so impressed with Dr. Lin, she prefers to go to Seattle every six weeks.  Of course he is impressed with Sara D. also.  She is still getting regular acupuncture treatments from Lauren Miller and has a lot of help doing stuff around her house.  Her Dad has been over there a lot fixing her fence so she can stop worrying about Bentley, the jumpaholic.
   There is a cancer benefit concert at Beyond Hope on Saturday that should be a huge event.  The help and support out there for cancer patients is truly amazing.  Thanks for that. 
     I have lots more to say, but it isn't about Sara.  So I'll sign off for now but promise to keep you all up to date.


  1. You always leave us wanting more! do you have a blog of your own? I am so happy for Sara and that means for all of us who love her so much. I say stick with the doctor you like and the one who knows your name. Good luck to the benefit event.Love, Love, Love.Auntie Lo

  2. So, so, so, so, so, so happy!!!!

  3. Sara,

    I sit here and cry with happiness - I am SO glad to see all is going well!

    I love you!

