Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16, 2011

    Sara and Sarah went to the Doctor appointment in Seattle today and yesterday for Scans and bloodwork.  It is all good news.  The tumors have shrunk 50% since the last CT scan 3 months ago. Her bloodwork is fine now but she definitely has to stay on regular blood testing.  Dr. Lin said to come back in 3 months and possibly in 6 months she could have surgery that would remove whatever tumors are remaining and to get rid of the main ones.  His analogy was "they are trees and we want them to be seeds." She will have to continue chemo for an unspecified amount of time to keep it under control, but Dr. Lin freely passed around the word 'remission'.  Also her chemo will be cut back as much as possible so she won't have the super bad side effects.
      He also told Sara D that she was no longer a priority patient.  For once Sara is happy to be considered boring. This is all such wonderful news and we are all so grateful and relieved.  All the support and energy and good vibes are DEFINITELY a contributing factor. Lauren's persistent acupuncture treatments and sound advice.  All the help Sara recieves from everyone, her strong will to overcome this nasty disease,{"to hell with it!!"}  I should hope we all can be this strong in the face of adversity.  Also, the lesson in friendship we have all learned from Sara and Sarah and their entourage. Can't even begin to express how much our family means to us. Nurse Erin is amazing.  Okay, okay, I can't take anymore.....

posted by Colleen



  2. Right on! Go Sara! LIVE & LOVE LOVE LOVE -Kathy W.

    I'm sending nothing but L-O-V-E!!!
    -Marie McMaster
