Sara was very perky when I went to pick her up from the Infusion Bay at SCCA (everyone gets their own little room and Sara got a bed this time since she was infusing for 8 hours) but I made her sick when I got there. "Is it my outfit?", I said. She has finally managed to dress me as her twin and I was even wearing her vest. "Do I really look that awful that I make you throw up? It's like looking in a mirror! A fun house mirror! Blech!" I teased. Yes, always tease nauseated people who still have a sore abdomen from surgery, but just a little bit. After laying still all day just getting ready to leave was causing some side effects.
After that she did really well besides a bad nonstop headache and a little nausea even after the 4 different anti-nausea meds she received. They really have the chemo thing down these days and Sara received 4 hours of fluids and medications before she even got her poison. We wondered briefly about the other "big punch" chemo and it's side effects then decided to not think about it anymore.
Sarah C, Steffi, and Mark drove all the way over Sunday, ate some Thai food and turned around to drive all the way back so we could get Sara's car home. Thank goodness for the wonderful people in this world. Sara kept expecting to pop up each day since then but the nausea and extreme fatigue are keeping our girl resting almost the entire day. She managed to go to a brief dinner where she stayed on the couch and did a few errands today but then was rather sick when she got home. Apparently nausea can be combated in 4 different ways in the body, one way is to prevent excitement (ya know, like going to the post office) so whenever Sara is having too much fun she feels sick.
We look each day for the good things and raise the smallest of them up for celebration. We love the big amazing things too, but the more you put in your gratitude basket the more it overflows. Sara doesn't need a port-her veins are awesome! How great are the handy throw up bags that you get from the hospital! They have a handle! A new episode of a funny show when you feel sick! The cancer cafe has Cream of Wheat! We got the good parking spot by the elevator-woot! Every little thing shores us up and keeps us positive.
We are all prepped for the next treatment and have a schedule mapped out. Since this week is only one kind of chemo we are hoping for less side effects.
Lots of love to all the foot-rubbing, cozy-upping, acupunture-giving, food-cooking, dog-walking, happy-chatting wonderful friends/relatives who make Sara feel surrounded by love and support.
I wish I was there to help out also - but what a great support team! Sending lots of love and good wishes!!! Please keep sending updates.