Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prepping For "Real" Chemo

It's Chemo School Eve for us over here. In the morning Sara and I (Sissy) will be learning about "real" chemo, the intravenous kind that comes to mind for most people when they think of cancer. Of course all her chemo has been real but this is way stronger and has more side effects than her oral meds and we are trying not to worry too much about what will happen.There is a 90 minute class Thursday and Friday is Sara's first treatment.

Dr. Lin wants to oversee her personally because of the fast growing nature of the tumors and is having her chemo administered weekly at the Seattle Cancer Care Center. She is staying at our house right now while she is still on leave from her surgery. She will be going back to work October 22 with a tentative schedule of working Monday thru Thursday morning, flying over to see Dr. Lin for his last appointment of the week, getting chemo Friday mornings and then flying back that evening or Saturday morning to rest for the next work week. Do you feel tired yet?!

If her tumors stay the same or get smaller she will be eligible for another surgery in about 6 months according to Dr. Lin. There is also another kind of chemo combo (really strong, he calls it the "big punch") and the maintenance drug Affinitor that the insurance just approved. Shrinking tumors!! Shrinking tumors!!

Trevor was over for a couple days and drove Sara and the dogs around the Olympic Penninsula for some hiking, Yahtzee, and (don't tell Sarah C.) cheeseburgers and pizza. The dogs got to swim in the ocean for the first time and Liza thought the water tasted a little wierd. **Twilight Warning**Avert Eyes If Necessary** They also drive through Forks and La Push to check out the vampire scenery and stopped at Sol Duc hot springs but took a pass because it was so crowded. Yicky, people soup.

See you at the next post after treatment! Every hope, prayer and positve thought is welcomed and appreciated.

Shanna and Sara


  1. Pizza and cheeseburgers??? Thats it!!!!! Sarah c

  2. Take care my dear Dalebouts/Garveys/Saulsberrys. Much love and strength to you. Love- Kathy W. & family
