Sara was sick for at least a month prior to her first ER visit. She is so strong and unlikely to complain that no one realized how sick she was and how persistent her symptoms were. Finally she called Colleen (Mom) on February 7 to take her to the ER and they stayed doing test after test until they discovered masses on her liver. Then a biopsy on February 10 came back showing systemic neuroendocrine cancer.
Already symptoms were getting worse and after several trips to the ER and changes in medication Sara is a little stabilized. After stunned and confused family and friends tried to figure out what to do we finally got on track to get Sara into a big top 5 cancer treatment center. This is where Sarah Hess's one of a kind personality came in handy. After trying for M. D. Anderson in Houston and having to wait, Sarah H. got an appointment at Fred Hutchinson in Seattle on March 4.
Now we are just waiting until the appointment to get information about this rare form of cancer and its treatments.