Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 18, 2011 by Colleen

    We are determined today to keep Sara strong an focused so she can begin Chemo treatment.  Doctor Lin says she has to be ready before we can begin. So hold on tight.
    Wet try to inject humor into a humorless situation.  Bein' Irish and all. Being here with other people experiencing the same thing and seeing them try to smile through the tears.  The SCCA housing facility is AWESOME.  There is no political 'correctedness' here. Everyone has one thing in common. The number one human ambition; Living.
    Sara is the stongest person I know and she reminded me of that when I said 'no' to something yesterday.  The look on her face was the same look she gave me when she was two.  I wish I had got a photo because THAT is the spirit that will pull her {and us} through. And why she can wear whatever she wants.  Gerald drew a picture of "Captain Octreotide", {the big shot} which we framed, coming out with guns a'blazing. He is kind of a cross between Jack {in the Box} and Spiderman. When I figure out photos on this blog, I have some good ones.
  We will probably be going off the grid as from here on out we need intense concentration. All the good will and fantabulous laser beams to the disco ball are absolutely blinding.  You are all way more than you think you are.  Stay tuned to this blog if you want updates. This is where the action is.  Sara is in super good spirits and has the best caregivers in the world. Thanks to all.

1 comment:

  1. Got the message. totally in agreement just focus on getting well. Love u
