Sara is resting after not sleeping very well last night. We are waiting for a procedure tomorrow that will determine her treatment. They would do it sooner but have to wait a certain period of time. So the next few days are important about who,what where, when, and how. {and sometimes y} Everyone here is really nice and helpful. They love Sara D...."She is awesome". Sarah Hess, You made quite an impression as a best friend and advocate.
I am sleeping in the room in a very comfortable hide-a-chair {sarcasm} and I am looking forward to the year 2012, and I LOVE telemarketers!
Shanna, Ruby, Annabelle, Baby Sara and Penny Grace got Sara super cozy blankets at 'Tarjay'. So patience is a virtue and we are really putting that to the test.
Everyone consolidate your good vibes and send them out as one giant laser beam of love and healing power. The way these arrows of good energy are coming in, we have to duck every 15 seconds. There is a disco ball in the corner of the room so send 'em there and they radiate throughout the day like sunshine. Love to all. Couldn't do it without you!!!
Im reading the post tryin not to harass you haha love the i love the sarcasm colleen that chair is not so cozy is it?? Loving you and sending every ounce of my LOVE every second of every day. Sarah Hess