This is a Pre-op post update from Seattle. Sara, Shanna, Trevor and Sarah went to the pre-op appointment which turned out to be a 7 hours.
The surgeon, Dr. Parks, said that they expected positive results by removing the tumor from her pancreas. The extent of the surgical procedure will be determined when it actually occurs. There are possible complications, involving the spleen. Possibly removing part, if not all of the spleen. Worst scenario. Dr. Parks said the recovery from the surgery will be 2 to 5 days. After that, he wants her to stay in Seattle for at least 7 days so he can monitor her as some complications can show up later. She will be recuperating for a month, at least.
I will post Thursday sometime for a post-op update. We will all be there for her and know you all will be with us in spirit. Thanks amazing friends and family!
posted by Colleen
thanks for the update, i have been worrying and wondering...