Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, 2011

   Sara saw Dr. Lin yesterday and he is taking over fulltime as her oncologist. It was too complicated to have other doctors involved. Dr. Michelle Anderson will be her on site doctor for now.  Since, she now can fly, she will just fly herself over to his office, which is right across the street from the harbor, go to the appointment and fly back home.  Anyone need to go to Wholefoods?  She had back pain which he attributed to her recent stunt activity.  Her markers are good, the tumors are still lessening and surgery is still on in the spring.
    He is stretching out her chemo administration so she will not continue to have such low platelet levels which lead to blood transfusions.  This is really good because it was so hard on her healthwise. 
    We all had to know about Steve Jobs because he had exactly the kind of cancer as Sara D.
    Dr. Lin said Steve Jobs treatment was totally different than hers.  It is because of the extensive research done for him that this neuroendocrine cancer treatment is so advanced.  We are grateful for that.
    Sara is doing fantastic and we can all take a lesson from her. {not flying..} Kind of stretching out the blog, but I hope you are all staying tuned in.  Love to all!!!


  1. Sara- you are awesome. What else can I say? So proud and jealous you are flying! I am so happy to hear you are still doing so good...I am also hearing that you are not resting quite as much as you should. You need to rest to keep up on your awesomeness- okay?! Love ya!- Kathy W.

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