Sara is doing great. She went to Laguna Beach with Sarah Hess while Sarah works, Sara D. is getting warm finally. She got through with chemo and is trying to go without taking any medication at all for the next seven days anyway till she continues the chemotherapy. Which will be ongoing Still has severe muscle aches and joint pain. I think meds leech the calcium from your system.
I am always amazed at how people think their experience is comparable to yours. So by sharing every painful detail they somehow will make your experience more bearable. But cancer, or any crisis or life changing event cannot be diluted just because countless people have endured it. Each persons venture into the unknown is a singular experience. The individual uses all they have gleaned from life; values, examples, religious- or not- upbringing to deal with it the best they can. Some use their experience as a guideline for every other experience that follows. Others get past it and get on with it. We will never know which kind of person we are untill we get hit over the head with the proverbial spiritual two by four that Gertie Miles always refers to. {is that a dangling participle?}
I know for sure and am seeing it with my own eyes, my super strong daughter is not stickin' around with cancer for long. She is tearing off her rearview mirror and leaving the c-word in a cloud of dust. I am really glad for everyone who helped to get her there. Have a super and grateful Memorial weekend. And of course God Bless the USA!!
I am so proud of you and Sara and the whole team. colleen, you are funny.Sara , I'm tearing off my rearview mirror , too. I wish I thought of it sooner!