Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12, 2011

    Sara is sleeping and me, Bentley and Liza are keeping watch.  The mornings are not the best time.  In the afternoon she sometimes likes to go for an outting. Denise took her to Jenn's new place she works at, the Sandcreek Salon, so they could check it out then straight back home.  Someone in California sent her a card saying she read about her in the Priest River Times. The thoughtful expressions come from all over and are little blurps of encouragement.  Thank-you.
  The first round of chemo seems to be doing something but it is hard to tell just have to keep after it. Definitely see improvement. Just real gradual.  Stay with me on this.  Just not much to report right now. 


  1. Praying this chemo is starting to work it's magic so you can get stronger everyday! Love and strength to you and the family- xo Kathy W.

  2. I am staying with you. I love you all. I know you are learning the meaning of one day at a time. Even one minute at a time. that's a quote i heard, and I think it sounds right.

  3. A wise man once said.... Slow and steady wins the race!
    You got thus Sara!!!
    Sending all my good vibes and love to you and the fabulous dream team!
    Love you all Seana and the whole
    Sorensen family!!!
