Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

Did you hear that thunder? That was Sara D. physically leaving this earth. It was not big enough for her adventurous Heart and Spirit. Good riddance you stupid cancer! Sara kicked your ass by going off into the universe where there is NO cancer. And this is the end of this blog. I may create a book of the blog someday because Sara's story is one of a kind. No body...ever....accomplished what she did and truly touched so many hearts. All of us should be grateful she took a bullet for us. So we can quitcherbitchin' and wear something crazy, and go some where fun, and smile like ya mean it. See you later alligator.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall 2014

Hi everyone.  I just want to let you all know what is going on. We were going to Spokane Cancer Care Northwest for radiation 5 days a week for almost 7 weeks. The radiation eliminated the cancer invading Sara's head which was causing extreme discomfort. Now, the pain is from the tumors. Dr. Lin and Dr. Sienko are going to have a conversation about how to proceed. We are never going to stop kicking cancers {f-ing} ass. {Yes, I really said that. No more Mrs. Nice guy}
     Sara is home at her own house in Sandpoint and has everything she needs. Shanna and her whole fam damily moved to Sandpoint a few blocks away so she can boss Sara around full time. I am staying here with her and have a slew of elves to help me when I need it. Jorge is here and Sara is very happy about that.
    Our main concern is keeping her pain under control. We have several nurses helping us with that. Sara needs all her energy to get better so we have to keep it quiet around here. I know she has a kerbllion friends who love her almost as much as her family. I cannot ever express enough how proud I am of Sara D. for what she has gone through and still come out smiling. Thank you over and over for the nice stuff you all have done. Keep those positive vibrations bouncing around out there.

Posted by Colleen