Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer 2014

    We have all been pretty busy getting our new Dalebout Compound in order and livable. Lots of driving involved for everyone coming and going from Priest River, to Moscow, to Bothell, to Coeur d'Alene, and oh yeah, Doctor appointments! in Spokane. You can get a lot of shopping done in 4 counties.  Still going to Cancer Care Northwest in Spokane quite often for treatments. Sara could not get chemo for almost 5 weeks due to low blood counts. Radiation really takes a toll. She also had a bone marrow test to be sure her Mother platelet cells were intact. Shanna, step in any time for "the rest of the story". Seems only Shanna and Sara can make a boggled bone marrow test entertaining. After a lot of complications with shots and insurance changes and weird appointments, she is in getting chemo today with Shanna as her assistant. We have finally determined how she gets so much done while feeling so crappy, anyone within a 5 mile radius automatically becomes "her assistant". Whatever, it works, we have a wonderful house in South Sandpoint just 2 blocks from 3rd Street Pier, freshly painted inside and out.  We have made ourselves {6 kids, 8 adults, 3 dogs} and Sara very comfortable. The backyard looks like a flea market going on.  Jorge had to go back to San Diego for a while, but cooked up a storm while he was here and took excellent care of Sara. He is super!
    Stylebar has officially opened in Coeur d' Alene. The Daleboat has had several '3 hour tours'. So, we may be moving a little slower this summer due to all the commotion, but we are still kicking some cancerass. We are all like the sand in the bottom toys where when you knock them down they pop right back up. Except Shannon. She broke her leg and is not moving too fast yet. She is getting 'fire' painted on the side of her roller chair, though, graffiti style.
    Sara's radiation worked well on the lymph glands, but due to lower doses of  chemo the other tumors went a little crazy, so Dr. Lin and Dr. Sienko are getting them back under control, then re-evaluating the situation. She was going in for Nuepogen shots to raise her counts, but finally got insurance approved to get the script at home and give them to herself.  She still goes to Seattle regularly and will continue to do that.
    Sara is pretty comfy in her new house and happy to be back in the groove in Sandpoint.  We have had so much help in making this happen. All of you who have helped cannot imagine how much I appreciate it. Everyone else does, too, but I really do!  You are all AMAZING!
     Everyone is AWESOME! Now go Summerize!