Thursday, November 29, 2012

Two High Fives

Two high fives with Dr. Lin! Chrmg A at.... Drum role please...... 43! Scheduling an octreotide scan to see if we're dealing with live disease vs scars.... It's the glowing one:) This will determine if surgery to remove the bugger on the outside of the liver that's been with me since the beginning needs Dr.Parks precision or if affinitor can take it on alone. we will have a better plan after the scan. My scan from yesterday attached for veiwing pleasure. IV chemo I off the table:)))) for now, I'm done! Dr.Lin shared some insight on what we all already know about the drug industry, how it works against us sometimes, and we took a trip down memory lane of when this all began, it was hard to listen too, hospice was brought up and sissy and I are still crying about how greatful we are for Dr. Lin. Love to all ~S

Friday, November 16, 2012


    Well, we got Sara over to Seattle for her treatment.  After the event she got super sick and we had to call and make sure she could get her chemo treatment. As long as she did not have a fever, it was a go.  So, I got her to Moses Lake, driving through the worst first storm of the season, and met up with Shanna who took her to her appointment at seven a.m. Friday.   The chemo treatment was the big one and on top of Sara being sick anyway, she stayed in bed and as of today, she is still at Shanna's in bed.
    When she went to her Thursday doctor appointment, he said she was in too weak of condition to get another treatment. They decided to give her IV's to hydrate and get some nutrition in her. Shanna said she probably lost 9 pounds in one week. But damn she looked good at her Hoedown!
       Sara will come home soon as possible, then not have to return till November 27. Then they will decide whether to continue the chemo or start the affinitor. {I cannot say that word out loud for some reason, my country western accent kicks in and it is 'AFF in aaator'.}
    So, I for one hope she regains her strength fast. I will be at the purple house taking care of her along with everyone else who is taking care of her. Takes a village my patooie, it takes more than several states and a lot of counties, but Sara is kicking cancer's ass and we have the T-shirts to prove it.
    I will try to post more frequently to keep you all updated. By the way, Nurse Erin broke her ankle!
Slipped on some ice. Stay tuned in here for interesting stuff.

                        Love all you guys. That Hoedown energy should be bottled and sold.

Sarah Centorbi-Hess speech

posted by Colleen

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


    The Hoedown was a huge success and is still winding down. So many people did so much and all came together to create a fabulous fundraiser for one of Sandpoint's favorite people. I am so glad Sara was not doing chemo that week so she could go and give such a great speech. Sarah Centorbi-Hess said it all. There is no way to express enough appreciation for everything.
    This next week Sara will go to Seattle and get a doozy of a treatment.  We are trying to get the treatments close to home and eliminate so much travel, but so far that is not happening. It is just better to go there and have Dr. Lin see her in person. Will try to organize some good pictures for the event and get them on here. Obviously, Sara is resting.
    Thanks a hundred times.  Love to all!

posted by Colleen

Friday, November 2, 2012

3 Chemos In/Fundraiser

Well, that was a whirlwind!

Sara flew over every Thursday for Blood Draw/Dr Appt, Friday Fun Day was chemo and sleep then finally awake Saturday night for a couple funny shows. She has been pretty much horizontal the entire three weeks with Thursday being the best day and has experienced the usual symptoms. She counted up and realized she had not driven a car for 6 weeks since she drove herself over for surgery. She has developed a pretty strong aversion to pills but luckily we got a Zofran patch (nausea) and finally figured out Ativan could be crushed up into something since it is tasteless. Think giving Fido medicine.

I am not such a good nurse since my sister's willfulness is MANY times greater than mine plus she has her Woo- kind of like her own personalized Jedi power. Since my Woo is basically negative 4876, she wins a lot. I am just thankful to get my "turn" to take care of her, there is nothing worse than being far away from someone you love who is really sick and needs help.

So, yeah, it's good to be optimistic about chemo effects since they are not in one's control anyway, but Sara obviously did not make it to work at all like she planned. She is on leave until ????? We don't know. Dr Lin was happy about this and wants her to stay calm, he thinks her tumors get cranky when she is all stressed out.

Her amazing numbers (514 to 95 for tumor markers) makes it all worth while and we can't wait to see the next test since that was only after ONE treatment! Her all time low was 77 when all the doctors "oohed" and "ahhed" over her chart. She has a week off which is just perfect for...

Kickin' Cancer's Ass Hoedown!!!!!!!!

Lots of stuff to bid on, get your Christmas shopping done early or maybe win a door prize or try the raffle!! Food, music and lots of fun (you know it!). Be there Saturday Nov 3rd 5:30 to ? at the Granary by Evan's Bros. 524 Church Street. The building that will be shakin'! Lot's of handsome cowboys and lovely cowgirls so wear your boots!

Here's the FB page with more info:

Thank you everyone! See you Saturday!