Well, The appointment with Dr. Park went better than expected. He is saying that
possibly there is a tumor on a lymph gland that is right on top of the pancreas. If he goes in and finds that this is not attached to the pancreas in any way, best scenario is he will remove that. Then after
Sara recovers from surgery she will be put back in the capable hands of Dr. Lin, who will at that time determine the best treatment for the remaining tumors on the liver. There is some regrowth of
tumors on the liver which is because the chemo and sandostatin {octreatide} shots that were doing such a fantastic job quit being enough as the cancer out smarts any systemic trearment and sometimes actually will find a way to use these chemicals to it's advantage. This sounds like a lot of politicians
I have the pleasure of not knowing.
When Dr. Park is in the surgery he will use a ultrasound to view the liver and determine if these are active tumors or scar tissue. Which, by the way, both doctors have complimented Sara on the "amazing regenerative qualities of her liver". Also, they have been very pleased with her pro active attitude and her positive approach throughout this whole ordeal. For these super doctors to even say that is like they are shouting from the Empire State Building. And we feel the same about them. Sara is in very capable hands. The finest.
Her recovery time is going to be very important. She cannot start any treatment until she is ready. The recovery time cannot be determined untill she has had the surgery and Dr. Park does what he does best. Pray for a tumor on the lymph gland. That would be the best, then that the silver bullet, affinator {if we can get some} will knock the crap out of those liver tumors and she may not require
a second surgery to remove them. This photo shows a shadow in the upper right hand corner is a tumor.
It is very late and we have to get up at 4:00. Sara and Shanna said at this time, the help we need
is an experienced nanny to help Shanna to help Sara and an organic food chef who can make super smoothies in a hospital room. Wes, so far, has this position filled. We are asking for all your prayers and positive energy.
Since recovery will be a huge factor in the progress of this treatment, Sara will not be having visitors in the hospital. I have a t-shirt that says "MOM" on it, if anyone tries to get past me. Sunglasses and hats will not fool me, either. I love all you guys for being so great of friends, bosses, sisters, cousins, brothers, neighbors, long lost relatives, neices and nephews, Grandmothers, caregivers and everyone. We are gettin' the DREAM TEAM back together.
p.s. I know the margins are wierd. they changed the format of the blog. Please bear with me till I have time to figure it out.