Monday, February 28, 2011

Some Of You Might Know Me As Sissy

Hi everyone and welcome to the new blog! I'm doing a little guest post until Sara has time to write her own. Y'all know how busy Sara is all the time even when not in the best of health.

Sara has neuroendocrine cancer and she will be over here in Seattle this Thursday for her Friday morning appointment at The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. She will post more when we have more information.

We kept the Caring Bridge guestbook messages, they are posted at the top for your perusal. Thanks so much for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Sara feels the love!

Sorry about the tribute mix up from the other site, that was a little tricky of them, we made a PayPal Donate button on this blog if you are interested. We appreciate any support whether it be words, prayers, deeds or donations.

Please use the comments section, Sara loves feedback. Thanks Gerald for prettying up this blog with graphics, etc!!

(Shanna, big sister)