Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

Did you hear that thunder? That was Sara D. physically leaving this earth. It was not big enough for her adventurous Heart and Spirit. Good riddance you stupid cancer! Sara kicked your ass by going off into the universe where there is NO cancer. And this is the end of this blog. I may create a book of the blog someday because Sara's story is one of a kind. No body...ever....accomplished what she did and truly touched so many hearts. All of us should be grateful she took a bullet for us. So we can quitcherbitchin' and wear something crazy, and go some where fun, and smile like ya mean it. See you later alligator.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall 2014

Hi everyone.  I just want to let you all know what is going on. We were going to Spokane Cancer Care Northwest for radiation 5 days a week for almost 7 weeks. The radiation eliminated the cancer invading Sara's head which was causing extreme discomfort. Now, the pain is from the tumors. Dr. Lin and Dr. Sienko are going to have a conversation about how to proceed. We are never going to stop kicking cancers {f-ing} ass. {Yes, I really said that. No more Mrs. Nice guy}
     Sara is home at her own house in Sandpoint and has everything she needs. Shanna and her whole fam damily moved to Sandpoint a few blocks away so she can boss Sara around full time. I am staying here with her and have a slew of elves to help me when I need it. Jorge is here and Sara is very happy about that.
    Our main concern is keeping her pain under control. We have several nurses helping us with that. Sara needs all her energy to get better so we have to keep it quiet around here. I know she has a kerbllion friends who love her almost as much as her family. I cannot ever express enough how proud I am of Sara D. for what she has gone through and still come out smiling. Thank you over and over for the nice stuff you all have done. Keep those positive vibrations bouncing around out there.

Posted by Colleen

Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer 2014

    We have all been pretty busy getting our new Dalebout Compound in order and livable. Lots of driving involved for everyone coming and going from Priest River, to Moscow, to Bothell, to Coeur d'Alene, and oh yeah, Doctor appointments! in Spokane. You can get a lot of shopping done in 4 counties.  Still going to Cancer Care Northwest in Spokane quite often for treatments. Sara could not get chemo for almost 5 weeks due to low blood counts. Radiation really takes a toll. She also had a bone marrow test to be sure her Mother platelet cells were intact. Shanna, step in any time for "the rest of the story". Seems only Shanna and Sara can make a boggled bone marrow test entertaining. After a lot of complications with shots and insurance changes and weird appointments, she is in getting chemo today with Shanna as her assistant. We have finally determined how she gets so much done while feeling so crappy, anyone within a 5 mile radius automatically becomes "her assistant". Whatever, it works, we have a wonderful house in South Sandpoint just 2 blocks from 3rd Street Pier, freshly painted inside and out.  We have made ourselves {6 kids, 8 adults, 3 dogs} and Sara very comfortable. The backyard looks like a flea market going on.  Jorge had to go back to San Diego for a while, but cooked up a storm while he was here and took excellent care of Sara. He is super!
    Stylebar has officially opened in Coeur d' Alene. The Daleboat has had several '3 hour tours'. So, we may be moving a little slower this summer due to all the commotion, but we are still kicking some cancerass. We are all like the sand in the bottom toys where when you knock them down they pop right back up. Except Shannon. She broke her leg and is not moving too fast yet. She is getting 'fire' painted on the side of her roller chair, though, graffiti style.
    Sara's radiation worked well on the lymph glands, but due to lower doses of  chemo the other tumors went a little crazy, so Dr. Lin and Dr. Sienko are getting them back under control, then re-evaluating the situation. She was going in for Nuepogen shots to raise her counts, but finally got insurance approved to get the script at home and give them to herself.  She still goes to Seattle regularly and will continue to do that.
    Sara is pretty comfy in her new house and happy to be back in the groove in Sandpoint.  We have had so much help in making this happen. All of you who have helped cannot imagine how much I appreciate it. Everyone else does, too, but I really do!  You are all AMAZING!
     Everyone is AWESOME! Now go Summerize!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Star Trek Style

   So, living with your parents is not as much fun as it sounds, said Sara D. But as far as getting to treatments and consolidating cooking and cleaning it has been nice. Sara has begun another round of radiation and chemo at Cancer Care Northwest in Spokane. It is about an hour drive {50 minutes for me...} from our house in Priest River so it is not bad with her Dad and me and helpful friends to get her there five days a week for the next 6 to 8 weeks.  Dr. Call, her radiologist, is very positive about the outcome of the radiation treatments with the monitored chemo. To keep the radiation and chemo balanced so it is not too much, but still kicking some major behind is a real challenge for all three doctors. Her cancer is radiation responsive.  Dr. Lin and Dr. Sienko have let her begin an oral chemo along with the intravenous one to see how she responds. The oral chemotherapy is easier and eliminates time in the chair being hooked up which allows Sara more freedom. The nurses at CCNW also talked her into getting a port which was a hard decision but her veins are collapsing.  I have to say here that the nurses were very gentle with the needle poking as long as they could.
    After a PET scan they determined first of all to radiate the tumors in her neck area and try to obliterate them while the chemo will be shrinking the tumors in her abdomen area. Then they will blast those tumors with radiation and a direct line of radiation beads to the main tumor than is stubborn as heck. The side effects of all this are not pleasant, needless to say. Sara may experience a sunburn effect on her skin and inside her throat. Which can be helped with some meds and good ol' Aloe Vera which we have in large quantities.
    Right now, she is doing pretty good and feeling strong, so we are going into this with guns a blazing. Look out you stupid tumors! We are pretty sick and tired of you interfering with Sara D. and Sarah C. trying to get their new business, STYLEBAR, up and running. Also, Kate Lyster and Sara are opening up INDIGOINMOTION May 3. Not to mention we have tentatively purchased a HOUSE in Sandpoint and are ready to move Sara in.  It will be our new family compound where we can all congregate, stir up trouble and make a lot of noise. Maybe this would be a good time to say you cannot un-shrink a sweater. Sorry! I have to tell you here, Sara, because I cannot bear to see the look on your face. {Be quiet, Shanna! I see your eyes rolling!}
    These next weeks are certainly going to be stressful, but to get rid of these vicious tumors and get on a maintenance treatment is the goal.  Then Sara can just get on with her life without everyone hovering.
    Also, Bentley has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He got an ultra sound and is on medication. The ultrasound revealed he has a tumor on the left side of his heart. We can't help but think that wonderful Bentley is trying to take on Sara's cancer in his own way. He is happy and cheerful so we are just going to keep him that way with the meds. Never underestimate the power of your pets love.
     Thanks to everyone. Community Cancer Services in Sandpoint for the gas cards. Big help! Thanks to Dr. Lin, Dr. Call and Dr. Sienko and all their staff. Congratulations to Dr. Lin for his award in cancer research. We are so lucky to have the best on our side. See you at our new house! So exciting. Thanks universe. I guess Judy was right.

Love to all! 

Posted by Colleen

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Today is my BIRTHDAY..... dadadadadada!

I was told a long time ago your birthday is a time for reflection.....  since I heard this I have taken that to heart and reflected.  Even though my mantra is to live in the NOW these days, to keep yourself in check to reflect time to time is important.... hence taking time to reflect once a year on your birthday is perfect.

Reflection into the last year, the biggest take away is instead of trying to manage everything...... let it just happen:) WOW is that hard.  The other thing, I continue to be flabbergasted by how broken thorough communication between medical facilities, with the doctors and patients..... hence you can't let go of managing EVERYTHING.

I never realized how much I like to micromanage, and I tried to be some what conscience of this... apologies to my teams I've worked with throughout the years at CWC.  Recognizing your doing it, and stopping yourself it hard.... especially with giving advice to others.... STOP breathe through and just go with it.  It all works out in the end... and with WAY less stress:)  In reflection I notice the new people that have come into my life this last year are just this way, relaxed don't manage... life will happen just as it's supposed to if the intention is set on the right path.

Communication in the medical field, especially in the USofA, and how inefficient it is... quite honestly is BEYOND me.... here come MS. Micromanage a little... but seriously were talking about people's lives!  I am coherent, with follow up emails, phone calls and even walking directly into facilities.... and STILL the stuff falls through the cracks.  This last year not only with myself, but with my family and very bestest friends, the medical professionals have let them down.  All I can say, finding not only the doctor who you trust and takes YOU seriously is SO important, but also his/her team is just as important for proper communication.  Maybe some of that money Obama is saving cutting our troops and space exploration can go to making computers in the medical community talk to each other.... oh wait that would mean our government would have to be able to build a website that works and then be in control of communication... never mind.

Today is my birthday, I welcome 37, thank you lord for giving me another year on this earth.  Thank you to my parents for letting their 37 year old daughter live with them and they take care of her... (I'm pretty sure this is backwards).  Thank you to my beautiful friends and family that continue to support me and my continuing change to treatments that effect us all... Thank you to my dogs who are always glad to see me no matter how many times I leave them and love me always even though I'm usually sick when I'm with them.  And today a special shout out to the lovely man who is taking me on a birthday date to a fancy Japanese restaurant in P.Vallarta.... I am so mucho grateful to have met him in my life... thanks to a lovely wedding of two beautiful people Kate and Dallas in this beautiful place Sayulita, Mexico that I have been blessed to spend most of the winter between treatments, Stylebar and Indigo.  Mucho besos Jorge and to all:)

March 30, 2014

    Today is Sara D.'s birthday and I want to say how proud I am to be the parental figure of one of the most wonderful, generous, kind, smart, beautiful, courageous, inspirational, motivated, exceptional person that I know. Happy Birthday dear daughter!
    She is in Sayulita where she spends her time between treatments. She will return soon for a PET scan then on to more treatments that should really knock this cancer down. We discovered a different anti nausea med that  seems to work more efficiently. Or the Mexican sunshine and blue ocean are helping. Whatever it is, her chromagranin is at 128 last count, which is amazing.
    So today is a good day and here's to you, dudette!  Have a good one.

your Mother,
Colleen Dalebout

Friday, February 7, 2014

The carrot chasing continues...... Anniversary #3

The carrot chasing continues...... Anniversary #3

3 years...... I have officially passed the first statistical year barrier.  If you had asked me Feb. 7, 2011 where I thought I'd be in 3 years..... well lets just say it's mind blowing what I didn't know was coming.  For those who are waiting for the "someday" or the "when I grow up".... man just know 3 years ago my someday list was BIG, now statistically I have 3-8 years to get it done, all on a super low fuel count.... 

I chased the carrot for a long time.... I worked hard, I climbed the corporate ladder, I traveled frequently to wonderful cities and worked with wonderful talented people, ate at yummy hip restaurants, upgraded to first class, I paid my debts, I purchased a house, owned my car, had minimal credit card debt, I had insurance, retirement funds, stocks..... I thought I did it all right.
I've lost my house, my career came to a sudden halt, child bearing is no longer an option and I depend on help to get me places 85% of the time, my annual income has been cut off at the legs, debt scares me and the word bankruptcy has come up many times in 3 years.....   My employment after 18 years with Coldwater Creek will come to an official end Feb. 22...... Some would say that I've gone down hill..... I would say perspective has changed.

Grateful is still my word, I am grateful for how my perspective has evolved all in the name of cancer.  But I will say optimism is hard to keep on the forefront.  You get broken down a lot in this battle, and I don't use the word battle lightly.... the last few months battle has truly been what I feel this is.... and I often feel I'm loosing it.  Unfortunately I can understand why people stop fighting.... I feel better when I'm not fighting it (medically speaking), unfortunately that's when you get sicker:(

Don't take advantage of being able to plan your dentist appointment a few weeks in advance.... sometimes life feels mundane, week-after-week..... believe me sometimes the security in that is nice. I used to think weeks would just fly by like clockwork, now I miss the clockwork.  Little things, like waking up, getting in the shower, dressed, off to work..... YOU KIDDING! I would have to sit down 3 times and nap by the time I sat at my desk.  If you had asked me 3 years ago..... wow how things change.

My friend Suzanne Tugman said to me the other day.... "Sara your living for the now", and she's right.  When I DO feel good and am not sleeping, I want to DO... I'm a DO'er and it drives me NUTS  not be DO'ing.  I've had to start cutting things out of my day, like phone calls for medical & bill paying only, I skip conditioner in the shower so I don't have to stand that long, carrying a purse is exhausting, budgeting how many times I have to go up stairs in a day.  Because I can't plan week to week what I'm doing, where I'll be or how I'll be feeling.... I've embraced living in the now. So days I wake up, shower and eat.... my head reeeeels.... I wonder if I shouldn't grab my jump bag, head to the airport and go somewhere really quick.  But even if it means being productive running my businesses with my besties so they know they can count on me.... I am grateful I woke up and felt decent.

With all social medias and people posting quotes here and there about living life to the fullest and don't let days go by..... I know we sometimes become numb to these, but believe me when your living it, those cliche's are all to real.
The carrot now?  I am chasing a treatment plan, something to keep me here... not to mention blow those statistics out of the water.  And I am so grateful to those who continue to help me chase this carrot... because for me to get this carrot I need your help.  I love my family so much, and without mom, dad, sissy, Wes, Sarah & Marc, Dr. Lin.... and the countless others this battle would not have a chance.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I sat in the shower this morning, letting conditioner finally saturate my hair, hair that I'm so grateful to have, and wondered what I would be writing on anniversary #4.  I wonder how far I will get chasing this carrot.....

Love to all,

PS: A special woo-hoo going out to you Birgett, I think of you all the time:)
PSS: GO Stylebar!
PSSS: Hoping to be sitting back on the beach below between treatment with a certain someone... thank you Kate & Dallas!